Our Address
150 Cent ral Park Square, Suite# 2, Los Alamos, NM, 87544
This CO2 compatible magazines goes with the Special Combat NonBlowback 1911 airsoft pistol.
Compatible Models: CNB-4601 and CNB-4601BS
Capacity - 16 Rounds
We are responsible for spreading not only airsoft goods but also spreading of airsodt culture. We carry all types of Airsoft guns including spring pistols, spring rifles, gas guns, CO2 guns, electric guns, and more! Our goal is to provide the best goods and services to our customers. Their satisfaction for us is the highest award.
We are always in charge of quality of our goods. If you are dissatified with your goods for some reasons please, feel free to contact us with email or mobile phone so we can finds the best solution for you.
If you need the warranity for you Lancer Tactical goods purchased from our store you can take advantage of the manufacturer's official warranty on their official website www.lancertactical.com/warranty-registration